This is the complete list of members for QtPdCom::QmlProcess, including all inherited members.
applicationName | QtPdCom::Process | |
broadcastReceived(const QString &message, const QString &attr, std::uint64_t time_ns, const QString &user) | QtPdCom::Process | signal |
connected | QtPdCom::Process | |
Connected enum value | QtPdCom::Process | |
ConnectedError enum value | QtPdCom::Process | |
ConnectError enum value | QtPdCom::Process | |
Connecting enum value | QtPdCom::Process | |
ConnectionState enum name | QtPdCom::Process | |
connectionState | QtPdCom::Process | |
connectionStatusChanged() | QtPdCom::Process | signal |
connectToHost(const QString &, quint16=2345) | QtPdCom::Process | |
Disconnected enum value | QtPdCom::Process | |
disconnected() | QtPdCom::Process | signal |
disconnectFromHost() | QtPdCom::Process | |
error() | QtPdCom::Process | signal |
find(const QString &) | QtPdCom::Process | |
find(const QString &path, Class *obj, Function &&callback) | QtPdCom::Process | inline |
getApplicationName() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getCaMode() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getClientStatistics(Class *obj, Function &&callback) | QtPdCom::Process | inline |
getClientStatisticsQt() | QtPdCom::Process | |
getConnectionState() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getDefaultProcess() | QtPdCom::Process | static |
getErrorString() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getHost() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getLoginManager() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getMessageManager() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getPeerName() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getPort() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getRxBytes() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getTxBytes() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
getUrl() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
host | QtPdCom::Process | |
isConnected() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
list(const QString &="") | QtPdCom::Process | |
list(const QString &path, Class *obj, Function &&callback) | QtPdCom::Process | inline |
loginManager | QtPdCom::Process | |
name | QtPdCom::Process | |
nameQt() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
ping(QJSValue jsCallback, double timeout=0) | QtPdCom::QmlProcess | |
QtPdCom::Process::ping(Class *obj, Function &&callback) | QtPdCom::Process | inline |
pingQt() | QtPdCom::Process | |
port | QtPdCom::Process | |
Process(QObject *parent=nullptr) | QtPdCom::Process | |
processConnected() | QtPdCom::Process | signal |
Q_ENUM(ConnectionState) | QtPdCom::Process | |
sendBroadcast(const QString &, const QString &attr="text") | QtPdCom::Process | |
setApplicationName(const QString &) | QtPdCom::Process | |
setCaMode(SslCaMode mode) | QtPdCom::Process | |
setClientCertificate(const QSslCertificate &cert, const QSslKey &key) | QtPdCom::Process | |
setCustomCAs(QList< QSslCertificate > cas) | QtPdCom::Process | |
setDefaultProcess(QtPdCom::Process *) | QtPdCom::Process | static |
setLoginManager(LoginManager *lm) | QtPdCom::Process | |
SslCaMode enum name | QtPdCom::Process | |
sslCaMode | QtPdCom::Process | |
sslCaModeChanged() | QtPdCom::Process | signal |
url | QtPdCom::Process | |
version | QtPdCom::Process | |
versionQt() const | QtPdCom::Process | |
~Process() | QtPdCom::Process | virtual |